In all countries we visited televisions are on the whole day, mostly very loud. Chinese fighting films, soaps, karaoke. Rarely we see a news braodcast being looked at. Only in China, and a couple of times here in Vietnam, we’ve … Lees verder
Dagelijks archief: 13 februari, 2009
There are very many Vietnamese. And very many of them are on the road. It is the rule that the biggest one has the most rights. So as a cyclist you’re very much down in the hierarchy. Then all drivers, … Lees verder
Dalat De markt van Krong No Een notabel bewoner van Buon Ma Thuot … Lees verder
General: – Distance 1030 kms. From Saigon QL 1, then QL 20 to Dalat. From Dalat via Nam Bahn to QL 27, to reach rt 14, the HO Chi Minh road at Buon Ma Thuot. Follow this north as far … Lees verder
Is a Schwedish photographer and cyclist. Not just a cyclist. He rode the national highway 214 in Yunnan all the way in 2006. It’s the road where we had to take buses for nearly 400 kms because it was very … Lees verder
Hoi An is een historisch havenstadje. Het beleefde zijn gouden eeuw gelijktijdig met de onze. Het stadje is in alle oorlogen wonder boven wonder ongeschonden gebleven. Het resultaat is een aantal straatjes aan de rivier, vlakbij de zee, met heel … Lees verder