We spent a nice and warm day in Basel. The next morning we set off for Colmar. Which we didn’t reach, since we decided to stop At Neuf Brisach. This is a fortified little town in the Rhine valley. It was built by Vauban, whose fortresses are to be found all over France, under the rule of the Sun king (Roi soleil), Louis 14th. Compare Neuf Brisach with Naarden, Heusden, Willemstad in the Netherlands.. In almost completely original condition. But there was absolutely nothing going on, dead quiet, Tote Hose. It was a Sunday, but that doesn’t seem to be the only reason. In this whole region we have the same strange experience as I had when I cycled in the other direction 5 years ago. There is no one to be seen in the streets of the little villages and towns that we pass. At that time I wrote that I suspected that as soon as they see a stranger coming they warn each other and they all hide in their cellars. Well, nothing has changed, still not a soul to be seen, weird.We intended to visit Colmar the next morning, but it rained all the time, so we skipped this historic place. In the evening we reached Strasbourg (Strassburg, Straatsburg). The route was more interesting than the day before, when it was rather dull. The weather changed for the better during the day, so we could put up the tent and let it dry before we got in. Today we spent our day walking around, again it’s a beautiful historic place. The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art is very worth while a visit.Tomorrow further north, five days or so to Köln.
The tracks from Basel to Strasbourg:
Download 2010-08-22Basel-NeufBrisach
Download 2010-08-23N Brisach Strasbourg
Basel – Neuf Brisach, we keep following the Rhein Radweg:
Neuf Brisach – Strasbourg: