We have now reached this town. We decided not to go further east. We have biked over 500 kms now. Tomorrow we’ll go back to Lombok and visit another mountain village. Here we found our first internet opportunity after we left Bali. That’s why it was so quiet all the time. There is even an ATM here, so we are rich again. We are staying in a magnificent bungalow park. Kencane Beach Cottages, with our airconditioned cottage riht on the beach again. Dreamland. Today we rode into town (10 kms) to get some money, visit the royal palace and do some blogging. Very slow connection again, so no photos. Tomorrow back to the ferry by bemo and then another 50 kms to the mountain village of Tetebatu.
Kencana Beach Cottages
Alles gaat goed zoals ik uit de brichten lees.
Hier ook.
Veel fietsplezier nog.
Houdoe, margriet